We are Salty & Free

The jewelry brand passionately dedicated to celebrating personal growth and triumphs - with YOU!

Salty & Free is more than Jewelry

Our mission is to offer inspiring jewelry that accompanies you on your life's journey, captures milestones, cherishes uplifting moments, and celebrates victories with you.

We create pieces to motivate, inspire, and uplift, designed for those who view personal growth as an ongoing journey, rather than a destination.

Our Why

We've all experienced moments when we needed an extra boost. Life is amazing, and it can be challenging too.

Our jewelry is a tool to remind you of your strength, keep you going during tough times, and celebrate life, reminding you to cherish every moment and make the most out of it.

Our Values

Living consciously and free-minded, we embrace holistic well-being, infuse life with enthusiasm, and share a passion for inspiration.

We thrive on connecting with people, fostering relationships, and bringing individuals together to co-create and uplift each other.

With every action we take, we strive to be kinder to the environment.

We Are Salty & Free

Meet the hearts behind Salty & Free Jewelry and understand why we're passionate about what we do, and why we believe our jewelry will inspire you to grow and thrive!

Meet Christina, our Founder

Born in Amsterdam, Netherlands, Christina moved to Switzerland, where she worked as an art teacher, artist, and dancer. She later relocated to Ibiza, immersing herself in art and painting.

In 2020, inspired by the island's liberating essence and vibrant energy, Christina founded Salty & Free, aiming to empower those who understand that we are the architects of our own happiness.

Christina Claus, Founder & Creative Director

From Chaos to Creation

"There was a time when I hit a dead end and faced a deep crisis. Someone once told me that the Chinese word for 'crisis' also means 'opportunity.' In that darkness, I found a new direction and overcame my low point.

I developed a life attitude that allows me to enjoy life to the fullest - with strength, self-confidence, self-reliance, independence, and a lot of joie de vivre.

I believe it's important to remember the hurdles you've overcome and how far you've come. With Salty & Free Jewelry, I want to remind you of your strength and support you when you need an extra boost. To keep going when you think you can't. Something that connects you to your true self, your goals, and desires.

This jewelry is here to support you on your journey to achieve your dreams. When you reach a milestone, it will always remind you of the personal victories you've achieved - so you can truly celebrate life.

We have one life; let’s live it to the fullest."


Nathalie Kleiber, Business Development Director

Building Connections

"I am Nathalie, half Swiss, half Swedish, living in Zürich. My job as a relationship manager and leadership coach shows me daily how thankful I am to be physically and mentally healthy. There are things in life one simply can’t buy with money.

It's one of my many passions to connect people and bring them together. I strongly believe in co-creation, which means we are all much more successful if we work together and leverage each other's strengths. My mission is to accompany people to reach their full potential.

I am dedicating my time at Salty & Free to creating valuable strategic partnerships for our unique brand. Every partnership is based on trust and empathy, two parameters that are very important to us.

Wearing my Salty & Free bracelets is as important as my daily meditation. They give me strength, power, and energy, and wearing them is a kind reminder to celebrate my own victory, every day."

#VIVA LA VIDA with a lot of love,

Frederic Wehrli, Technical Director

Engineering Passion

"Half Swiss, half Colombian, I am a micro-technical engineer with almost two decades of experience in developing medical devices. Working for Salty & Free provides me with the perfect balance, offering the emotional touch missing in the med-tech industry while leveraging my expertise to ensure our creations are of the highest quality.

At Salty & Free, I oversee the technical aspects, particularly production and quality. As both a rational and emotional person, my mission is to integrate reason into emotions and emotions into reason.

Without my Salty & Free bracelets, I feel incomplete. They are my companions, part of my identity, supporting and inspiring me every day!"


Our Approach to Sustainability

Wherever possible, we avoid plastic and choose eco-friendly, sustainable alternatives instead. In 2023, we eliminated 90% of single-use plastic from our supply chain. Our shipping boxes are made of recycled cardboard and are 100% recyclable. We use a paperless dispatch system, and we print only what is absolutely necessary, utilizing FSC-certified paper. Additionally, our cotton bags are made of organic cotton that is fairtrade-certified.

You Care - We Care

With Salty & Free Jewelry, you are not only wearing a designer piece made with care, but you are also helping our planet.

From every piece of jewelry sold, a part goes to an environmental organization that advocates for sustainability. Learn more about the amazing bee project in the Amazon rainforest that we are supporting with your help here.

Where to find us

Our ateliers and offices are located in Zurich and Lausanne, Switzerland.

To explore our collection, please visit one of our amazing partner boutiques across Switzerland and Ibiza. Share your location with us, and we’ll provide you with the nearest address to you.